Wednesday, January 12, 2011

heavy heart

sending all my love and so much more, to this amazing girl. kate, i love you to pieces. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

sleep in.

yup.  i slept in.  a dear friend of mine, Katy, is a fabulous Registered Dietitian, she is amazing, she just scored an awesome job at a great fitness center that is unique in every way.  FIT - Fun Intelligent Training.  it's hardcore bootcamp style and let me tell you, it's all the rave around these parts.  she wanted me to join her this morning, but after the week I had.. I think my body needed sleep.

it's funny her sister, danielle, actually just started a new blog this year, and it's tracking what she eats throughout the day, you can find her here.  it's great, very inspiring, perhaps i should include my journey to get healthy, eat better and just improving myself.

we'll see what this blog has in-store for me. exciting to think that it can be whatever i want.

grow meg, grow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I've worked over 114 hours in the last two weeks.  Crazy 40+ car pile up on the interstate, a 15-week course, crammed into one week, and general everyday life.  I'm exhausted, to say the least.

Boot camp in the morning? or sleep in?  Decisions, decisions.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

poof! i'm gone!

the next week is going to be insanely busy.. please pardon my absence as I tackle, "communicating mindfully"

this should be interesting.


Monday, January 3, 2011

baby it's cold outside...

ahh.. the weather is a little damp, and yucky, but we’re making the most of it. Wait, no, we’re not making the most of today. I’m actually going to be stuck inside stretching my brain, and focusing on getting my homework done for my upcoming Communications class.. it’s a one week, ‘extensive’ class, as they call it, I have to talk in front of the class, and there is nothing more that I hate, then standing in front of a group of people, and talking. Oy. 
I’m hoping to give this space a little more pizzazz, but with my limited knowledge of graphic  design, and web.... ‘stuff’ this may pose a challenge. I’m hoping to not get stuck on being perfect, but rather, just going with the flow. Cheers! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

this is where it starts.

I'm starting... I'm growing... and learning.  I'm being inspired.  I've realized that I'm not a little kid anymore.  I'm adult.  I'm figuring out what I like, and what I don't.  I'm acknowledging that I make mistakes and everything doesn't go, "according to the plan."  I'm living, and enjoying, and being positive every step of the way.

This is my blog --- my corner of this internet world, to share my art, my thoughts, my feelings, my inspirations, & my life.. this is where it starts.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

from here to....

....wherever this may take me. i'm along for the ride. twenty eleven, glad you're here, you look fabulous already.


picture compliments of elise cripe